By Steve Beane 2015
The purpose of this article is to introduce information that has come to us from the ancient Sumerian texts to those who are not familiar with that information, yet may be interested.
I came to the knowledge of those texts though a personal journey that started while I was a youth and having an interest in human origins and ancient peoples. While studying other subjects there was found a connection with them and human origins topic .
I'm going to begin this series of writings by using my own experience in discovering the information that is in the Sumerian texts and it's world view-changing contents. This will include knowledge I gained earlier in my journey about human evolution according to fossil records and then studies into the Old Testament Bible. This article is to lay a frame work before I introduce the reader to the actual contents of the Sumerian texts which take us deeper into an understanding of what has actually happened.
While feeding my interest in what is called The Missing Link and the sequences of the fossil record of early, evolving humankind, along with a separate study about the Old Testament Jewish god, The Lord/Yahweh and his interaction with humans, I came to realize the possible ancient astronaut ET element in human history.
The Missing Link is a name used for an archeological discovery that shows that the homo erectus or the hominids were the result of creatures evolving over a very, very long period of time; they also know as the Neanderthal. They stopped evolving at a certain stage and in a relatively short span of time there appeared in the fossil record an advanced, early modern Man, known as Cro-Magnon. It took millions of years for the primitive animal-human to evolve to become the relatively intelligent precursor to modern Man; to get to the stage of homo erectus. And then, with absolutely no fossil record between them and Cro-Magnon explaining Cro-Magnon's appearance, Cro-Magnon seems to have appeared out of nowhere. It is these creatures who then quickly developed into the completely modern humans with highly sophisticated cities, societies and cultures which began to appear. People like you and me. From being glorified ape-people to fully modern humans in as little as two thousand years, with no fossil record to be found of it's stage to stage evolution, Modern man seems to have just appeared overnight.
This is what brought in the creationist theory, minus the evolution evidence, that we see in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. That human beings were somehow instantly created, fully formed, by a god. Through my journey I'd come to believe that both the fossil record of evolutionary growth and the idea in the Bible of humans being created both had merit and I developed a personal concept that I used and coined "Evolutionary Creationism" for myself. Maybe not an original idea but it's one that dawned on me and I used in my own evolution: that at some point some kind of creative "miracle" happened to Neanderthal to make him a fully modern human.
Coinciding with this knowledge was my personal exit out of Judeo-Christianity. Part of that process involved my intelligence causing me to question what kind of god would have his so-called son violently killed as a expression of love (?) to mankind for an alleged redemption plan. This is after years of excepting that idea by faith. A human blood sacrifice demanded by a god as an expression of love? These ideas had come from the Jews and their religion. This inspired me to take a deeper look at The Lord/Yahweh, the Jewish god of the Old Testament.
So, I began to read more deeply in the Old Testament to learn more about this god. I began to realize that this god was either an anthropomorphic mythical god that the Hebrews had made up for themselves, as many ancient peoples did, or he was an extremely powerful, but very immature and mean-spirited human being. I could see clearly that he most definitely was not the omnipresent, all unconditional loving source of intelligence and life that we think of as a "Big G" God. I would begin to see a possible connection with the Lord/Yahweh's interaction with ancient modern humans in light of close encounters of the third kind.
Anthropomorphic means attributing human-like concepts and qualities such as love, war, beauty, wisdom and power along with human weaknesses such as greed, hatred, jealousy and uncontrollable anger to a concept, animal or object. Anthropotheism is when these traits are applied to a god.
The more I read and thought about the personality traits and behaviors of the Lord/Yahweh, I began to believe this was not an anthropotheistic construct of the Jews but rather a very powerful flesh and blood human being.
This god's name was Yahweh, which is his name in the Hebrew language; in Greek it is Jehovah and in English it is simply, the Lord. The same name interpreted three ways. I began slowly and carefully reading the Book of Exodus. What I was to find would bring conclusions and answers for me that would set me on a deeper life journey. A world-view changing experience that led to the Sumerian texts, which are a huge collection of "written in stone" texts written thousands of years before the Bible; texts that the early writers of the Bible used as source material. Texts that identify who this the Lord/Yahweh really was.
I want to share some of the what I discovered. Here is just some of the written documentation concerning the Lord/Yahweh from the Old Testament Bible along with my commentary:
First, we see Exodus 3: 21,22 the Lord/Yahweh says he will cause the Egyptian citizens to have warm fuzzy, friendly feelings for the Hebrews. Why? The Lord/Yahweh then instructs the Hebrews to take advantage of that friendliness and borrow gold and silver items along with clothing from their Egyptian neighbors. Except they won't be returned to the Egyptians; Yahweh says keep it all and take it with you when you are brought out of Egypt and "therefore plunder the Egyptians." What kind of power would it take to sway people's feelings without actual contact? The gold, silver and clothing will later be used in the Sinai desert to built the Hebrews' first temple/church known in scripture as the Tabernacle or the Tent of Meeting. We see this type of power to change and control human feelings and emotions in Exodus 4:21-23 also. The Lord/Yahweh tells Moses he will harden Pharaoh's heart so he'll refuse to let the people go and then tells Moses to say to Pharaoh "because you refuse to let the people go therefore I will kill your first-born son." Which he later did just that; just to show his power and authority.
When the Lord/Yahweh first spoke to Moses in Midian he told him to go back to Egypt and confront Pharaoh. So, Moses, along with his wife and son, headed out for Egypt. In Ex. 4:24-26 it states that along the way at a lodging place the Lord/Yahweh was trying to kill Moses; the apparent issue was that the couple didn't want to circumcise their son. The Lord/Yahweh let up on his intent to kill Moses only after the wife finally circumcised the son. Here, again, the Lord/Yahweh sounds pretty human. This clearly wasn't a visionary experience the family was having, or a phantom of some sort trying to kill Moses. It's apparent this is a flesh and blood human being intending to have his way or else. (Ex.4:24-26)
The Lord/Yahweh would later, through Moses, kill all the firstborn sons throughout all of Egypt among other terrible acts because Pharaoh wouldn't heed Moses' words and let the Israelites go; which is what Yahweh put in Pharaoh's heart to do. This all seems to be a micro-managed game by a megalomaniac through hi-tech means.
After the Hebrews arrived at the foot of Mt. Sinai, the Lord/Yahweh descended on the top of the mountain. There was thunder and lightening, and a thick cloud shrouded the mountain. He descended with fire and smoke "as from a furnace" and the whole mountain trembled violently. There was the sound of a trumpet that grew louder and louder. The glory of the Lord/Yahweh appeared as a consuming fire on top of the mountain (Ex.19:16-19; Ex.24:15-18). To primitive people this seems like a supernatural event when actually it's the landing of a jet propelled air craft, like a space shuttle. The trumpets are some sort of sounding technology use as a landing locater.
This event came after the crossing of the Red Sea whereafter the Hebrews where led by "a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night" (Ex.13:21). In the research of UFOs, known as Ufology, we find historical documented reports, inscriptions and drawings of a type of air craft that are, in modern terms, described as "cigar shaped". In ancient Asian history these same type of craft were described as "fiery dragons" and in ancient Mexico and South and Central America they were described as "winged serpents". In this century we have photos and video footage to go along with the reports. And, these reports also tell how that many times these craft have been seen entering or emerging from clouds or mists. It is observed that these craft create a mist or cloud around themselves as a cloaking device. To a primitive people who knew nothing of cigars this same shaped craft appeared to them to be a pillar. Clearly a pillar and a cigar are the same shape. This craft, to hide it's technology, cloaked itself in a cloud in the daylight hours and was fully lit with bright lighting in the darkness of night. This craft hovered above them and as it moved along the Hebrews followed until they reached Mount Sinai, at which time it landed. This following of the pillar of cloud went on for over forty years as the Hebrews wandered through the wilderness and then on to the assault on Cannan.
At one point after settling in at Mount Sinai, the Lord/Yahweh called Moses and his closest associates, along with seventy of the elders, to enter the cloud covering and ascend to the top of the mountain. There they "saw the god of Israel" and "under his feet was a pavement like Sapphire, as clear as the sky itself". The Lord/Yahweh was friendly with them and they all ate and drank together (Ex.24:15,16). This is the passage I read long before I had even heard of the Ancient Astronaut Theory or had any of the knowledge of UFOs that I do now. And to me, at that time, as now, I recognized this as a Close Encounter of the Third Kind. I did know about that from the movie of the same name. A Close Encounter of the Third Kind is a rating used in Ufology concerning alien contact; there are different ratings for various types of contact. A Close Encounter of the Third Kind is when humans and ETs are close enough to see and speak to each other. These primitive Hebrew people, not having any knowledge whatsoever of advanced technology, were describing the best they could a human ET god standing on some sort of high-tech ramp or platform of a craft. The fact that they could visually see this god and ate and drank with him further informed me that this ET was most probably a technologically advanced, flesh and blood human being.
Here are more examples of Yahweh's thinking, attitudes and actions that resemble human beings:
Numbers, chapter 12
Apparently at some point Moses married a Cushite woman. Cush was where Ethiopia now is, so Moses' wife would naturally be someone with black skin color. It appears that the Jews had a bigoted racial view of people with black skin from Cush. Miriam, Moses' sister and Aaron, his brother, were speaking disparagingly about this marriage along with questioning why Moses was made the lead spokesman of the people since the Lord/Yahweh also seems to speak through them in prophecy and utterances. They'd been wondering aloud amongst the people if Moses was really the one with all the authority. The Lord/Yahweh hears this and doesn't like the idea of Moses' authority being questioned, bad mouthed or undercut. He immediately tells Moses, Miriam and Aaron to meet him at the Tabernacle/Tent of Meeting, where he calls Aaron and Miriam out to step forward. The Lord/Yahweh tells the two that he speaks to prophets through dreams and visions but with Moses he speaks face to face and Moses sees the Lord/Yahweh's form; and that's why he's the Lord/Yahweh's chosen leader therefore why weren't you afraid to speak badly about him? At this point the Lord/Yahweh's temper flairs hotly toward them and as he ascends in his pillar of cloud away from the Tent of Meeting; Moses and Aaron see that Miriam is now leprous as snow. Aaron begs Moses to beg Yahweh to heal Miriam. Yahweh answers by way of a harsh justification for what he's done to her and he does restore her health but only after making her live leprous, by herself, outside the camp in the wilderness, for 7 days. Again, this encounter doesn't appear to be some type of dream or vision being had or communication with a phantom or ghost.
This episode takes up all of the 12th chapter of Numbers. Here are my views concerning what happened there along with the high-technology and the Lord/Yahweh being human-like:
12:2: "And the Lord/Yahweh heard this." The Lord/Yahweh heard the conversations that Miriam and Aaron were having around the camp with other people concerning their issues with Moses. It's apparent in this passage and many others that Yahweh has some pretty powerful high-tech surveillance equipment that he can hear, monitor and evaluate conversations among the people from his cloud shrouded vessel hovering above.
12:4: "At once the Lord/Yahweh said to Moses, Aaron and Miriam 'Come out to the Tent of Meeting, all three of you." Was this communication by way of a loud speaker on the craft or was it heard telepathically?
12:4,5: "Then Yahweh came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the Tent and summoned Aaron and Miriam." In other instances in the written record of what happened in the desert between the Lord/Yahweh and the Hebrews it is routine for the Pillar of Cloud to descent down and rest on the Tent of Meeting during holy rituals. The Tent of Meeting or Tabernacle is a long, rectangular tent with a fence around it. It is a portable temple that could be torn down, moved and put back up as the Hebrews traveled through the desert following the pillar of cloud. It would later become the design used for the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Here we see it descending upon the Tent to have a personal get together with people to administer an angry rebuke and mete out punishment, as seen again in chapter 11:16,17. The Lord/Yahweh must have actually bodily exited the craft to be physically standing in front of the Tent and gesturing to Aaron and Miriam to come closer so he could speak to them face to face; as one human being speaking to others he said "Listen to my words."
12:6-8: Yahweh's message to Aaron and Miriam is that he does speak through the people who have prophetic gifts, but that he does so thru dreams and visions. This was in response to Miriam's questioning "Does god only speak through Moses? Doesn't he not also speak through us?" Yahweh goes on to say that Moses is special in the Lord/Yahweh's house and he speaks face to face with him and Moses sees the Lord/Yahweh's form. Here we see the Lord/Yahweh himself saying that he and Moses have face to face conversations and see each other; a technologically advanced human commander conversing with a primitive, subjugated human being who's been chosen to be a commander to this group of earthlings.
12:9,10: "The anger of Yahweh burned toward them and he left. When the cloud lifted above the tent, there stood Miriam leprous as snow." It is clear here that before or during the Lord/Yahweh's ascent back to the sky he sprayed some sort of biological weapon on Miriam that instantly gave her leprosy; it apparently was designed with a 7 day shelf life because that's how long he sent her into isolated confinement outside the camp in the wilderness, after which she was healed.
In another episode the people were deep in the desert wilderness and out of food; they began to cry out for food. The Lord/Yahweh's answer was to give them "bread rained down from the sky". This was delivered at night unto the desert floor as dew; when it dried it was a flakey substance that could be ground up and made into patties or cooked in a pot. Some texts say it tasted like wafers made of honey, others say it tasted like something cooked with olive oil. The people called it Manna, which means "what is it?".
After sustaining themselves with this food and nothing else for over two years they began to cry out for meat. They'd had all sorts of food in Egypt and now were on a steady diet of manna to the point to where they were saying "But now we've lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna." This made the Lord/Yahweh burn with anger toward the people and he then said he'd send them meat to eat; so much meat, he said, that it will come out their nostrils and that they'd come to loath it. "A wind came out from the Lord/Yahweh and drove quail in from the sea." The people all went around collecting the quail which was in such high quantity that it stacked up to three feet above the ground. As the people began to eat and enjoy the quail and "While the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the Lord/Yahweh burned against the people and he struck them with a sever plague." (Numbers 11:33) It's apparent that the quail had been treated with some sort of biological toxin. The Lord/Yahweh's justification for such an action was that the people had rejected him by "craving other foods." This story can be found in the entire 11th chapter of Numbers.
And now one final example of how the Lord/Yahweh isn't a wise, loving God providing for, protecting and understanding the people he is leading on an arduous journey but rather a small minded, ego-driven human being who, when his authority and leadership is challenged, resorts to mass murder:
In the entire chapter 16 of Numbers, we have recorded an incident where three men, led by one named Korah, along with 250 well known community leaders began to oppose Moses and Aaron (the brother/priest) saying "You have gone too far!" They said Moses and Aaron had exalted themselves above the people who felt they were just as important as Moses and Aaron. Moses believes these people are trying to gain control and says to them " It is against the Lord/Yahweh that you have all banded together." The resistors felt that they'd at least had a stable life in Egypt and food to eat and, after being set free from slavery there, they were promised a new homeland with plenty of food, prosperity and a new normal, but now were endlessly wondering in the wilderness. "Isn't it enough you have brought us out of a land of milk and honey to kill us in the desert? And now you want to lord it over us?" They also said that they hadn't yet been brought to this new start-over that had been promised.
So Moses loses his temper and sets up a test to see who's boss. The Lord/Yahweh comes up with some ideas to intimidate the people. He separates the three men "and their wives, children and little ones" and, where they are standing, the earth opens up and swallows them up and all their belongings and they are buried alive. Then he turns on the 250 community leaders and "fire came out of the Lord/Yahweh and consumed the 250 men..".
"The next day the whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. 'You have killed the Lord/Yahweh's people' they said." That large number of the people all gathered at the Tent of Meeting, the Pillar/Cloud suddenly descends and covers it and the Lord/Yahweh says to Moses "Get away from the assembly so I can put an end to them at once." The Lord/Yahweh proceeds to use biological weaponry to create a plague against the people. Aaron is frantically doing a religious ritual trying stop the Lord/Yahweh from killing all the people. When it all ended that day 14,700 people lay dead from the plague; plus, from the day before, Korah, his companions and their families who were buried alive and the 250 community leaders who were cremated. All by the technological working of the Lord/Yahweh that, to a primitive group of human beings, seemed spiritual and supernatural.
The Lord/Yahweh is pretty efficient at bringing plaques, which he calls "miraculous signs and wonders" upon human beings; the Lord/Yahweh told Moses that because of the plagues brought upon Egypt through Moses, that he, the Lord/Yahweh, had made Moses like god to the Egyptians (Ex 7:1). These powerfully executed plagues shown in Exodus 7:14-11:5 include the plague of a blood filled Nile River; a plague of frogs, gnats, flies; a plague of all livestock killed; a plague of boils, hail, locust and the final assault is the killing of all firstborn sons from every social class throughout all of Egypt.
We will see later as we get into the Sumerian texts that the type of humans that the Lord/Yahweh is of are quite good at making humans believe they are gods; in the same way the Lord/Yahweh said he would with Moses to the Egyptians.
It goes without saying that this is an advanced human being who's technological development has far outpaced his personal, emotional and spiritual development. And that Moses was taken in and duped by this person to become a cult leader.
In the next chapter I will begin to write about the ancient Sumerian texts which will show who this human god is and the group he is a part of. There are more like him.
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