Month: August 2024

August 3, 2024 tj1224

If we continue at the current pace, the world and culture (s) we were a part of will no longer exist. The memories of past, our way of being in the world, would be wipped clean; chaos replacing order, seeking a new balance, a new accepted or forced understanding. Like the transformation of the ideas represented in comic books, moving from paper imagination to a visual,TicTok replication. What was will not be for long. The question is, what will it be replaced with, and how?

Would old realities all be lost, or only waiting to be rediscovered, renamed, and restored? There are the good things and the bad things from this current world, and the beautiful and the dull. There is also the feeling of the some impending doom or darkness; where what we relied on before, we can no longer claim as ours; like the trust in good people doing good things for good reasons. Now all visions or memories of the past. Is there some quiet hope in the offing; waiting to see if all will be once again resurrected in some strange new form.

And what will that new world be like? What could it be like? Will it be waiting on our hand to paint this new version of how all things should be on the canvass of remnants and unworkable realities left scattered as if from the wreckage of some head-on collision?

Think of it; what if you had a choice, a voice, like the pioneers that once had the courage to cross this great land and built it in to what it has been. Only now you know all, you have access to knowledge, experience, history as no nation has ever before. Can you make it better? What would you do? Would you still have laws, a constitution, communities? Your call, what would you do?