There is a Fire in the Belly, yes, you know, when it is down there working its way up. A Fire so great it convulses you as you hold back because it is the way to be. But being is no longer acceptable in the current state. As with all before there is a point that cannot be passed, a point of exclusion of life and future dreams that cannot be excused, and cannot be welcomed, that the dread of the heart and the fire of the soul comes to claim something greater than anything before. Something more meaningful than all the days of fighting to exist, to pay the rent, to advance and support the ones you love, something that says, it is worth it, it is what I believe, it is worth something, it is worth dyeing for. It is this strange period that knocks on your soul and asks, where are you, who are you, are you defend what before you knew not what? It is not power or opinion, or ambition that fills this quest, it is the belief that all is worth the all, and, see or not see, it is what feeds the beast that calls forth the Fire in the Belly.