
And they said it could not happen.  It doesn't happen here.  As if history has a plan, a time schedule and a purpose.  Perhaps it just happens. As we know it, history knows the difference between freedom and family and the right to own property.  People died for this.  Others died to let you keep it or give it away, as if it had no value.  Strange times where we fight against slavery, yet are willing to allow slavery under another guise, call it socialism to inch its way into our conscientiousness. Just ask Venezuela how that works. Imagine being told every minuet what you can and cannot do, being married but no right to your children, working hard and harder to support those who will not work.  Equality, right.  Well, not so important since you will not be able to own property in any event.  Yes, smoldering sun-scapes, freedom slowly fuming, then burning, fueled by the family you cannot have and the property you may not own.