
For everything created, there is destruction.  Where it comes from, how it goes away is speculation and yearning.  Creation is the start, the beginning, of being. If we are lucky life is a mostly wonderful adventure,  but not one free of chaos and death. Civilizations are like that as well. We try to learn from the past, our forefathers, to gather the wisdom to survive, to go forward and make life better. If we are lucky collectively, we gather greater and better ways of making the journey together.  Human history is ripe with our advances and failures. Sometimes we fail to listen, to know or ask why the path does not seem right.  When we fail to listen, we set in motion unintended consequences begging to wrench from our control what so hardly we fought to keep.

Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson, by Ron Dart

Augusto Del Noce (1910-1989)

" Augusto Del Noce was an Italian political philosopher whose painful experience living under fascism caused him to explore the corrosive effects of late modern secularization."

"Del Noce argues that as the twentieth century unfolded, historic Christianity lost its grip on the imagination of the Western elite, and scientism-the view that empirical science is the only rational path to achieving objective knowledge--moved in to fill the vacuum."

Scientism was the weapon to "throw off the yoke of religious superstition".  However, Scientism was to guarded against in that it pretends knowledge greater than the certainty it knows.  There is the knower and what is individually known, the known which embodies all there is known to date, and, and, all else that lurks in the unexplored and unknown. The cave man could not have known nor envisioned the atomic bomb. A equals or is A only until something new is discovered to change its nature into something else.

"Scientism persecutes religion indirectly, but effectively, by privatizing it. Scientism removes the thick religious and metaphysical significance of cultural institutions, making them mere instruments toward the end of satisfying people's material and psychological needs.  Once institutions lose their solidity and symbolic gravitas, the individual is left isolated, stranded beneath the state. With religion thus weakened and institutions instrumentalized, politics has no guardrails and is free to intrude into every aspet of society.  What politics can do, Del Noce noted, politics will do. "

And there was eroticism.  "Del Noce recognized that the real engine for emancipatory (progressive) politics is sex. The Sexual Revolution is utterly incompatibe with the preservation of cultural heritage.  Inherent to it is a drive to radically revise, and ultimately render impotent, the very institutions - church and family especially - that could protect the individual from the encroachments of the state. It uses freedom as a mask for its intention to destroy religion and reduce the human being to a producer and consumer."