By Steve Beane                                           9/2015


There are two primary levels of knowledge in everything. Some people are initiated into a certain school of knowledge; they can read and understand texts as symbolic knowledge. Those not initiated into that knowledge, as most people aren't, the text is read without the encouragement to take the symbolic literacy. This is why some people can "read between the lines" and see the deeper meaning in texts while others read the same texts and only get the literal interpretation. A third century theologian named Origen wrote concerning Biblical texts; "I believe every man must hold these things for the images under which a hidden sense is concealed." Yet we have a long list of fundamentalist religions globally that are fully based on the rigid, narrow, and literal interpretations of scriptural texts while the whole time deeper meaning, with the positive power of personal transformation, lay concealed and waiting for people to accept the invitation to see and receive those deeper meanings.


The same texts that can be used to pass along enlightened knowledge can also be used, taken literally, to create false, prison-like religions, cultures and histories for the masses.


Receiving the deeper meaning of things through symbolic literacy brings us to an enlightened state of being that leads to personal spiritual transmutation. Jesus tried in many ways to introduce his closest students to this deeper, symbolic language and knowledge. Once he told his companions " Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees." The students instantly  took that as "Bread? Does he mean we didn't bring along enough bread?" It later dawned on them that he was actually speaking in symbolic language, teaching them to stay free from arrogance, which falsely puffs a person, like yeast does to dough. That the negative trait he was speaking of was clearly seen in the local fundamentalists.


Many spiritual teachers, now, and in the past, have tried to initiate their companions to think and see in the realm of symbolic literacy. Some people are more inclined to these insightful abilities and can more readily see the deeper, more relevant, more valuable meanings in things. These people were in a more advanced state when they were born here. Unfortunately, not all people are like that and don't seem to (or don't want to) hear and receive the encouragement to look deeper. Opportunities that are in every life experience. On every level there is the invitation to see into life more deeply and take up the symbolic literacy that is available to everyone; it comes in order to evolve. But this is most usually ignored and therefore we have false religions, purely pragmatic science and politics, shallow mainstream cultures and exploitive views of nature; all the result of a literal only view of everything.


I'm not saying that literal, pragmatic interpretations of reality and life aren't important; it is. It is what is important  for physical survival. Clear headed common sense thinking is essential for individuals and communities to establish shelter, food supply and protection from predators and thieves. Practical mindedness is valuable and necessary for business, job creating and other facets of human survival on a material scale. But once that material security is achieved and established there is a deeper need that makes itself known. These needs go beyond the physical life and the ego; they pertain to things associated with intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs. Literal, common sense thinking cannot tap into the knowledge needed for and involved in these deeper needs. Human beings who are mature enough and deep enough to sense these needs reach out to have them met. That is why we have in the human race: writers, poets, artists, painters, musicians, songwriters along with philosophers, spiritual teachers and their fellowships. Psychologist and counselors also fit in this list. Much of what these skills and talents provide is how to see and know ourselves in a deeper, truer sense. Self knowledge leads to seeing the bigger picture and then through our desire and intent, growth.


This is how the literal, pragmatic thinking and deeper symbolic literacy work in harmony: the practical for the physical survival and growth along with the deeper literacy for the evolutionary growth of the soul. As these two states of being dance together there takes place advancement and evolution, not just on the individual level but also as a global race, the paramount reason for human existence.


Every human being has  the ability to produce physical security, although many times it takes a group pulling together. We also have the full ability to think, feel and perceive more deeply beyond the practical life of survival. We must merely have desire and intent toward a deeper , more fulfilling experience beyond material existence. For millennia teachings and counseling has been put forth by more advanced human beings saying things like:


Seek and you will find; every one who seeks will find.

Knock and the door will be open; the door opens for everyone who knocks.

Ask and it will be given. Everyone who asks will receive.


Because spiritual evolution and transmutation are the primary objectives for us being on Earth, the Divine makes sure we have complete access to the things we need inwardly to accomplish that; and most of the time it starts with responding to the solicitation and encouragement to perceive symbolic literacy, the other level of knowledge.


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